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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Been a long time

Oh yes, I started a blog. Posted some topics but then gave up for a while- actually I found out I was pregnant and then my main focus became about updating my facebook page with pregnancy pictures.

Man, I am going to have a son. JJ is what I call him now, we hesitated for a long time about the name:  We knew we liked John for the middle name (my dad's name, Kyle's dad's middle name and Kyle's real name Johnathan). Then we went from Jackson to Jameson to Jonas to so many it's ridiculous back to Jaxen...but then not confirmed.

Jaxen John Labine, sounds like a badass. I wouldn't mess with him, actually you really don't because he kicks really hard sometimes. But AGAIN not sure it will be Jaxen/'s so hard picking a name.

So, I didn't know I was pregnant for a whole month. I hadn't planned to be pregnant but then boom I peed on a stick and it was positive.

I started this blog to journal our trip across the country but I didn't realise just what an adventure we had embarked on. We were moving from British Columbia to Ontario and had packed our life in a 10X10 cargo trailer and were couch surfing saying goodbye to friends and family and then I got a craving for ice cream! A sign!

For those of you who don't know me I am not the dessert-kind-of-girl, give me a bag of crisps and you'll make me the happiest girl in the world. So this was a big event for Mr sweet-tooth Kyle Labine, he was very excited to take me to Marble Slab. And it was good, oooohhh so good.

We didn't twig right then however, not until the next morning when I woke up and thought I had breast cancer (yes, I can get a little carried away with diagnostics) My boobs killed, I sleep on my stomach so I woke up that morning in sheer agony and then we twigged "do you think we could be pregnant?"

Off we went and bought a test, went to our friends Brett & Edana and guess what? Pregnant +


We were to leave 2 days later on our cross-country, tears...panic...happiness...hugs..."we are going to be parents!"...Holy poop. (I like that word poop- very Canadian).  My son will be Canadian, British and French. oh la la, tres sophisticated, eh?.

We embarked on our road trip, had the best time ever. We ate healthily, we slept in our tent, in our car, drove an average of 12 hours a day and then on the 5th night we stayed at a Spa hotel with a luxury pool.

Canada is beautiful and it will be JJ's home.

More blogs to come, this is just a little refresher blog.

Much love and happy 2011 everyone.

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